Soy Sauce Braised Duck


·       1-3 ducks depending on size

·       1.2 litres of chicken stock

·       1.2 litres of dark soy

·       300ml of light soy

·       450ml Shaoxing rice wine or dry sherry  

·       100g of Chinese rock sugar or normal granulated sugar will work

·       5 Star anise

·       3 Cinnamon sticks

·       2 tbsp of fennel seeds

·       1 tbsp cumin seeds

·       Neutral oil

·       (side note I personally like to use some native spices, like dried cinnamon myrtle or aniseed myrtle, from creative native food industries they have wonderful native foods that spice up many recipes.)


1.     Fry the ducks breast side down in a pan with oil, for about 15 minutes, you will need enough oil to baste the duck as it fries.


2.     Combine all ingredients in a pot add the duck and simmer until tender.


3.     Remove ducks and slice, serve warm or cold, can be used in salads, sandwiches, or just by itself.


4.     The braising liquid can  be frozen and used again, however I recommend adding more spices and a touch more soy.  



Wild Duck in Port Wine and Brandy Gravy